/** * The array buffer into which the elements of the ArrayList are stored. * The capacity of the ArrayList is the length of this array buffer. Any * empty ArrayList with elementData == DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA * will be expanded to DEFAULT_CAPACITY when the first element is added. */ transient Object[] elementData; // non-private to simplify nested class access
/** * Constructs an empty list with the specified initial capacity. * * @param initialCapacity the initial capacity of the list * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified initial capacity * is negative */ publicArrayList(int initialCapacity){ if (initialCapacity > 0) { this.elementData = new Object[initialCapacity]; } elseif (initialCapacity == 0) { this.elementData = EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA; } else { thrownew IllegalArgumentException("Illegal Capacity: "+ initialCapacity); } }
/** * Constructs an empty list with an initial capacity of ten. */ publicArrayList(){ this.elementData = DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA; }
/** * Constructs a list containing the elements of the specified * collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's * iterator. * * @param c the collection whose elements are to be placed into this list * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null */ publicArrayList(Collection<? extends E> c){ elementData = c.toArray(); if ((size = elementData.length) != 0) { // c.toArray might (incorrectly) not return Object[] (see 6260652) if (elementData.getClass() != Object[].class) elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, size, Object[].class); } else { // replace with empty array. this.elementData = EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA; } }
/** * Appends the specified element to the end of this list. * * @param e element to be appended to this list * @return <tt>true</tt> (as specified by {@link Collection#add}) */ publicbooleanadd(E e){ ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1); // Increments modCount!! elementData[size++] = e; returntrue; }
/** * Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this * list. Shifts the element currently at that position (if any) and * any subsequent elements to the right (adds one to their indices). * * @param index index at which the specified element is to be inserted * @param element element to be inserted * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc} */ publicvoidadd(int index, E element){ rangeCheckForAdd(index);
/** * The maximum size of array to allocate. * Some VMs reserve some header words in an array. * Attempts to allocate larger arrays may result in * OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit */ privatestaticfinalint MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8;
/** * Increases the capacity to ensure that it can hold at least the * number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument. * * @param minCapacity the desired minimum capacity */ privatevoidgrow(int minCapacity){ // overflow-conscious code int oldCapacity = elementData.length; int newCapacity = oldCapacity + (oldCapacity >> 1); if (newCapacity - minCapacity < 0) newCapacity = minCapacity; if (newCapacity - MAX_ARRAY_SIZE > 0) newCapacity = hugeCapacity(minCapacity); // minCapacity is usually close to size, so this is a win: elementData = Arrays.copyOf(elementData, newCapacity); }
/** * Removes the element at the specified position in this list. * Shifts any subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one from their * indices). * * @param index the index of the element to be removed * @return the element that was removed from the list * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc} */ public E remove(int index){ rangeCheck(index);
modCount++; E oldValue = elementData(index);
int numMoved = size - index - 1; if (numMoved > 0) System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index, numMoved); elementData[--size] = null; // clear to let GC do its work
return oldValue; }
/** * Removes the first occurrence of the specified element from this list, * if it is present. If the list does not contain the element, it is * unchanged. More formally, removes the element with the lowest index * <tt>i</tt> such that * <tt>(o==null ? get(i)==null : o.equals(get(i)))</tt> * (if such an element exists). Returns <tt>true</tt> if this list * contained the specified element (or equivalently, if this list * changed as a result of the call). * * @param o element to be removed from this list, if present * @return <tt>true</tt> if this list contained the specified element */ publicbooleanremove(Object o){ if (o == null) { for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) if (elementData[index] == null) { fastRemove(index); returntrue; } } else { for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) if (o.equals(elementData[index])) { fastRemove(index); returntrue; } } returnfalse; }
/* * Private remove method that skips bounds checking and does not * return the value removed. */ privatevoidfastRemove(int index){ modCount++; int numMoved = size - index - 1; if (numMoved > 0) System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index, numMoved); elementData[--size] = null; // clear to let GC do its work }
/** * Constructs an empty list. */ publicLinkedList(){ }
/** * Constructs a list containing the elements of the specified * collection, in the order they are returned by the collection's * iterator. * * @param c the collection whose elements are to be placed into this list * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null */ publicLinkedList(Collection<? extends E> c){ this(); addAll(c); }
/** * Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of * this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified * collection's iterator. The behavior of this operation is undefined if * the specified collection is modified while the operation is in * progress. (Note that this will occur if the specified collection is * this list, and it's nonempty.) * * @param c collection containing elements to be added to this list * @return {@code true} if this list changed as a result of the call * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null */ publicbooleanaddAll(Collection<? extends E> c){ return addAll(size, c); }
/** * Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this * list, starting at the specified position. Shifts the element * currently at that position (if any) and any subsequent elements to * the right (increases their indices). The new elements will appear * in the list in the order that they are returned by the * specified collection's iterator. * * @param index index at which to insert the first element * from the specified collection * @param c collection containing elements to be added to this list * @return {@code true} if this list changed as a result of the call * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc} * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection is null */ publicbooleanaddAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c){ checkPositionIndex(index);
Object[] a = c.toArray(); int numNew = a.length; if (numNew == 0) returnfalse;
Node<E> pred, succ; if (index == size) { succ = null; pred = last; } else { succ = node(index); pred = succ.prev; }
for (Object o : a) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") E e = (E) o; Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(pred, e, null); if (pred == null) first = newNode; else pred.next = newNode; pred = newNode; }
if (succ == null) { last = pred; } else { pred.next = succ; succ.prev = pred; }
/** * Appends the specified element to the end of this list. * * <p>This method is equivalent to {@link #addLast}. * * @param e element to be appended to this list * @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Collection#add}) */ publicbooleanadd(E e){ linkLast(e); returntrue; }
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/** * Links e as last element. */ voidlinkLast(E e){ final Node<E> l = last; final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(l, e, null); last = newNode; if (l == null) first = newNode; else l.next = newNode; size++; modCount++; }
/** * Removes the element at the specified position in this list. Shifts any * subsequent elements to the left (subtracts one from their indices). * Returns the element that was removed from the list. * * @param index the index of the element to be removed * @return the element previously at the specified position * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc} */ public E remove(int index){ checkElementIndex(index); return unlink(node(index)); }
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/** * Returns the (non-null) Node at the specified element index. */ Node<E> node(int index){ // assert isElementIndex(index);
if (index < (size >> 1)) { Node<E> x = first; for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) x = x.next; return x; } else { Node<E> x = last; for (int i = size - 1; i > index; i--) x = x.prev; return x; } }
/** * Unlinks non-null node x. */ E unlink(Node<E> x){ // assert x != null; final E element = x.item; final Node<E> next = x.next; final Node<E> prev = x.prev;
if (prev == null) { first = next; } else { prev.next = next; x.prev = null; }
if (next == null) { last = prev; } else { next.prev = prev; x.next = null; }
/** * Returns the element at the specified position in this list. * * @param index index of the element to return * @return the element at the specified position in this list * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc} */ public E get(int index){ checkElementIndex(index); return node(index).item; }